Shift Your Thoughts, Shift Your Energy – An Exercise In Energy

I’m feeling playful as I write this so I’m going to do something a little different! I want to show you how easy it is to play with energy and shift your vibration at the same time. Are you ready? Start by … //Read the Full Story//


Resiliency… it’s the word I heard when I asked Spirit “what’s the lesson in this?”. “This” being what we’re experiencing with the coronavirus. So this is a friendly, loving reminder - you are strong, you are … //Read the Full Story//

Observations From A Quiet Place

Lately, I’ve been talking more about getting quiet and the importance of having quiet time in your day. It came about after I felt drawn to do it myself and spent an entire weekend in silence. It wasn’t … //Read the Full Story//

I’ve Got The Power! Part 2

Empowerment is a big word, both literally and spiritually! Owning our power means the same thing for all of us. It’s living who we innately are - divine, powerful, creative and unlimited beings. How we own our … //Read the Full Story//

Staying In The Spiritual Sweet Spot

In November’s The Movement, I shared a little bit about what I’m calling the spiritual sweet spot. It’s turning within and connecting with your higher self. You are centered and quiet. It’s calm but dynamic at … //Read the Full Story//