Spirit Series – Your Spirit Team

In the world of Spirit, there are a vast number of beings you can call on for help, answers, support or guidance on anything. To start with, you have your very own Spirit Team, a group of beings of Light, who work, play and co-create with you as you live this life. Your team includes:

  • your Divine Creator
  • a Spirit Guide
  • Guardian Angels
  • Master Teachers
  • Other angels, guides, beings and energies of Light
  • Loved ones who have passed on
  • Animals (spirit animals, pets, etc.)

Everyone has their Divine Creator, a Spirit Guide and at least one Guardian Angel on their team. They are part of the package deal on this tour called life! You may have come into this life with some of the other beings also on your team because you agreed to work with them. This would have happened on a soul level before you were physically born. The other way beings join your team is if you ask them to join it. You can do this at any time during your life (both physical and nonphysical). It can be to collaborate for the rest of your physical life or only for a certain amount of time.

For the next few blog posts, I want to hi-light some of these Light beings and how you can work with them. There are many you can call on and no limit to what you can do with them. It’s that limitlessness though that tends to overwhelm people and they don’t know with whom, where or how to start.

So here’s a place to start. Ask your team to help you heal your fear-based thoughts. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never been aware of, acknowledged or talked to your team before. If you can’t see or feel them, that’s ok too. They’re still there. And they are listening to you. All you have to do is ask. Start with that. It’s that easy.

I’m feeling guided and drawn to do this because there is so much fear in the world. And with an election coming up for us here in the US, working with your team can help you navigate any fear energy more easily and help you stay centered in love. You have access to all this support, why not tap into it and thrive with it?  That not only helps you, it helps the rest of the world too!

I’ve also been hearing lately about people feeling alone and lonely. Which surprises me because we have so much technology to help keep us in touch with others in so many ways. Plus, you have your Spirit Team. You are never truly alone ever in this lifetime because you have your team. Always. 24-7. That is everyone’s truth, yet we have lonely people in this world. If you are one of those people, know that you are right now in the presence of your Spirit Team. Know that you have unlimited support and love from these nonphysical beings who are invested in your well-being here. Who know how difficult life is here and are helping you remember who you are as a divine being and your power as that being.

There is no reason to feel afraid, alone or lonely any more. If you didn’t know it before, now you know… you have your team. If you’re ready and willing, open up to your connection with them. Talk to them. Ask them for guidance, answers and help. Learn with them. Grow and evolve with them. Play with them.  Have fun with them. As you do, you will be stepping into your divinity and power more and shine brighter in this world!