Spirit Series – Your Spirit Team

In the world of Spirit, there are a vast number of beings you can call on for help, answers, support or guidance on anything. To start with, you have your very own Spirit Team, a group of beings of Light, who … //Read the Full Story//

Fear As A Sand Flea

A few years ago, my Spirit Posse told me something about fear to help put it into perspective with my own power. They said fear is like the size of a sand flea in the palm of my hand. At times it can throw a … //Read the Full Story//

Sending Love to Ukraine

As I watched the beginning of the invasion in Ukraine, my heart felt heavy. I was wondering what I could do to help people that are on the other side of the world. So I started with what I know best – energy… … //Read the Full Story//

Beliefs And Your Reality

I sat down last weekend and spent some time setting my intentions for 2022 - what I want to create and manifest this year. Even though I was looking forward, I ended up also looking back over the past year - … //Read the Full Story//

Expanding Awareness

One of the things I love about spirituality and going within is how everything unfolds. We tend to think of things in black and white, linear, rationally, logically. But as you go deeper within yourself and are … //Read the Full Story//

February 2021 – A Shift In The Energy

Have you felt a shift in the energy? I picked up on it the Monday before the Inauguration. I woke up and the world felt calmer. It was such a relief after the intense energy that we started the year with. The … //Read the Full Story//

September 2020 – Navigating The Run Up To The Election

I hope you enjoyed the centering tips throughout August! Given all that’s going on in our lives, I wanted to share simple things you can do to get a handle within yourself, to feel more in control. When your … //Read the Full Story//


As we experience and move through some tremendous changes in our world, how are you taking care of yourself? Are you in a surviving mindset or a thriving mindset? It may seem ambitious to think you can thrive … //Read the Full Story//