February 2021 – A Shift In The Energy

Have you felt a shift in the energy? I picked up on it the Monday before the Inauguration. I woke up and the world felt calmer. It was such a relief after the intense energy that we started the year with. The attack on the Capitol was such a shock and stirred up so many emotions and fear. As difficult as that was to witness, knowing that people passed away because of it, my spirit posse kept telling me that it allowed the energy that had been building up to boil over and things would calm down. It was nice to wake up a few days later and find that was true!


The day before the attack, I started getting a very strong message about the themes of love and fear along with owning your power. I started writing the post, but fell asleep before I finished it. When I heard about the attack, the messages I had received the day before made even more sense! I think it’s important to take a step back and understand what we’re seeing from that higher perspective. I know it helped me hold my own as I read the news that night and over the next few days.


I also had an interesting experience the day of the attack. When a colleague told me what was happening at the Capitol, my first thought was to jump online and see it myself. But something inside me said to wait. So I continued working. My mind was wandering though and I could feel myself going into fear as I wondered what was happening. I had my Happy Playlist going on my phone. As I was trying to refocus, a song came on that has Buddhist monks chanting the Compassion Mantra in the background. I started chanting with them – ohm mani padme hum. Over and over. I think I even replayed the song once or twice. And as I chanted, I felt this beautiful energy build up around and within me. It was calming but also powerful. I sent that energy out in all directions, helping to transmute fear and surround people with love. It was such a beautiful experience! I felt better and I knew that it had helped somehow in the world. I’m also sure that song playing when it did was no accident.


There are so many ways to own you power. And when you do, when you hold your own in the face of some kind of fear and not get sucked into that fear energy, it feels good to realize you owned your power! To have stayed centered, holding onto love, compassion or peace within you. And that feeling within you is even sweeter than knowing you succeeded in doing it! Because you’re going to make much better decisions for yourself coming from that space then if you are in a space of fear. And moving forward, we could all use a little more love, compassion and peace in our lives and in our world!