Creating Your Reality

You are the creator of worlds! Yes, you! You are that powerful! You created this physical existence, the lifetime you are currently living. And you continue to create all sorts of things while you’re here, … //Read the Full Story//

Beliefs And Your Reality

I sat down last weekend and spent some time setting my intentions for 2022 - what I want to create and manifest this year. Even though I was looking forward, I ended up also looking back over the past year - … //Read the Full Story//

I’ve Got The Power! Part 2

Empowerment is a big word, both literally and spiritually! Owning our power means the same thing for all of us. It’s living who we innately are - divine, powerful, creative and unlimited beings. How we own our … //Read the Full Story//

Beliefs About Health and Healing

This month’s focus is on beliefs about health and I’m going to do something a little different with this post that will serve 2 purposes. First, it will be to share some things that I’m learning about health … //Read the Full Story//