Being One With The Abundance Around You – A Breathing Exercise

  I’m excited to share a breathing exercise with you! It was inspired by an Abraham-Hicks meditation I heard recently. It’s part meditation, part centering, part reminder of who you are as spirit and … //Read the Full Story//

August 2020- Owning Your Power

Part of owning your power is knowing you are bigger than any drama or issue that is going on. That includes a pandemic! You can hold your own, stay centered, stay balanced, stay focused on the big picture and … //Read the Full Story//


I deserve the best and I accept the best now This is the affirmation that fell out as I shuffled my Power Thoughts deck recently, asking what I needed to know at the time. It’s been on my mind since then, even … //Read the Full Story//

I’ve Got The Power! Part 2

Empowerment is a big word, both literally and spiritually! Owning our power means the same thing for all of us. It’s living who we innately are - divine, powerful, creative and unlimited beings. How we own our … //Read the Full Story//

I’ve Got The Power!

When I was going through my training, I remember my instructor talking about owning my power. Looking back at that time, where I was in my life, I understood it…to a certain point. I’ve learned a lot about … //Read the Full Story//