August 2020- Owning Your Power

Part of owning your power is knowing you are bigger than any drama or issue that is going on. That includes a pandemic! You can hold your own, stay centered, stay balanced, stay focused on the big picture and solutions. Because you are a being of light! Yes, you are here in a human body, having a human experience. And sometimes you end up muddling through things. That’s only because you have momentarily forgotten your power and got caught up in the world around you. It happens. That’s part of the experience, part of learning.

Every day is a chance for you to own your power, to rise above any riff raff, to feel good. This pandemic and movement for equality just adds more layers to the experience, challenges you a little more. Some days you’re really cooking and feel like a superstar. Inside you feel lit up, inspired, energized, ready to take on the world. Other days, not so much. That’s when you want to go crawl back under the covers in bed or binge watch a show and forget how you feel.

There are things you can do to have more time, more days when you feel like that superstar owning your power. To remember your spiritual muscles and start flexing them more! This month I’m going to share the things I do to stay centered or get back to being centered. Things that get me to snap out of the sleepwalking state I fall into at times, where I’m operating on auto-pilot, unaware and not really feeling good, not really feeling ALIVE!

Each day or every other day, I’ll share one thing I do. This will give you a chance to give it a whirl if you like. Work with it, play around with it, see how it feels for you. Because the more you own your power and stay centered, the better you feel and the brighter you shine. And everyone benefits the more you shine your light!