
As we experience and move through some tremendous changes in our world, how are you taking care of yourself? Are you in a surviving mindset or a thriving mindset? It may seem ambitious to think you can thrive in times like these, but that’s exactly why you’re here, to learn and grow and play in this classroom we call life. Don’t settle for just surviving. Be proactive, take the reins of your life, make up your mind that you can live the life of your dreams, regardless of what is happening in the world! Yes, you can do that right now!

Because right now, the world needs people who aren’t settling for less. It needs visionaries who know they and the world can have better. It needs people who hold their own amid fear, turmoil and negativity. People who refuse to dim their light around others who aren’t aware of their own light yet. The world needs people who see through the distractions and the challenges and have the hutzpah to break free of the ordinary and live the extraordinary. When you start living the extraordinary, when you thrive and shine, you also inspire those around you to do the same. And you don’t have to be someone well-known like Oprah or Abraham Lincoln or some YouTube star to inspire others. Don’t discount yourself like that! Your beautiful, sparkly self will radiate wherever you go, lighting up your day, your life, interactions, relationships and experiences!

Are you wondering how do you thrive in times like these? How do you feel ALIVE, sparkly and shiny? That sparkle starts within you, so nurture it by taking care of yourself. Do things that feel good for your mind, body and soul. Things that help you feel better now. Take a few minutes each day to center yourself so you can hold your own through any drama or negativity swirling around you. That centeredness will help you stay calm, see the bigger picture and easily access the answers within you to help in any situation. It will also help you to stay focused on the things that are important to you.