Thriving During The Holidays

  As I’ve started doing things for the holidays, I’ve already caught myself overdoing it a couple of times. Mostly rushing around, getting impatient, feeling some stress. I know I’m not the only one, so … //Read the Full Story//

Thriving During Intense Energy

As summer is winding down, there’s a lot going on, as usual, in this giant classroom we call life. There are some shifts going on and it seems that people are picking up on this energy. I’ve been getting … //Read the Full Story//


I’ve come into March in a bit of a reflective mood. I’m reading a book that is blowing my mind called Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity Of The Soul. It’s material channeled by Jane Roberts from a being called … //Read the Full Story//

You Came Here To Experience This

I received something interesting from Spirit that I want to share with you. Last week, when I would get quiet, I kept hearing “remember, you came here to experience this”. It was a powerful reminder that … //Read the Full Story//


As we experience and move through some tremendous changes in our world, how are you taking care of yourself? Are you in a surviving mindset or a thriving mindset? It may seem ambitious to think you can thrive … //Read the Full Story//