Thriving During The Holidays

Photo by Vlad Chețan from Pexels


As I’ve started doing things for the holidays, I’ve already caught myself overdoing it a couple of times. Mostly rushing around, getting impatient, feeling some stress. I know I’m not the only one, so I’m sharing some things I’m doing to stay centered, be more present and enjoy the holidays more!


  • I have my morning “thing” where I stay in bed for a few minutes after waking up and set my intentions for the day. It includes saying hi to my Spirit posse, checking in with them and reminding myself of who I am as Spirit. It’s also a chance for me to check in with how I’m feeling and do a little energy work to let go of any heaviness. This helps me set the tone for my day. I find it easier to stay centered in this space, helping my day go a lot smoother and better.
  • I walk every day and make it part of my quiet time. The exercise helps my body process the energy I’m feeling, plus the fresh air and sun (when it’s out) helps lift my mood.
  • Instead of thinking about what I want to do for the holidays, I’m feeling my way through it. By this I mean, I’m turning within to see how I feel about each thing. If I feel joy or excitement about it, it goes on my to-do list. If I’m not feeling good about it, then I either scrap it or see if I can change it in some way so that I do feel joy about it. Too many times in the past, I have been on autopilot, following traditions and keeping obligations that no longer resonate with me. I then end up resenting it and/or don’t enjoy it. As I create heaven on earth for myself that means doing what brings me joy and letting go of the things that don’t.
  • I do the Swap and Drop every day to clear my energetic space. Owning my space, having only my energy in it, is what feels best to me. I find it easier to stay focused and it helps me to not take on other people’s stuff.
  • If I do find myself rushing around or feeling overwhelmed, I do something to slow down the momentum of that energy and shift it in a more positive direction. That can include:
    • Using affirmations to shift my thoughts. My favorites are:
      • I am safe
      • Things are always working out for me
      • I have more than enough time to do what I need to do
    • Getting quiet. This can be simply closing my eyes for a minute or two, sitting down and meditating, taking a nap or doing something calming.
    • Breath work. When I start feeling overwhelmed, it has a physical effect on my body. Breath work helps my body to relax and also helps me feel better mentally, emotionally and energetically!


As with any techniques I teach, I like to remind people that I teach from my truth and what works for me. If any of these resonate with you, run with them and have fun! If something feels a little off, tweak it and make it work for you (there are no rules here!). And if it doesn’t resonate with you at all, let it go and find something that does work for you!