
I’ve come into March in a bit of a reflective mood. I’m reading a book that is blowing my mind called Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity Of The Soul. It’s material channeled by Jane Roberts from a being called Seth. I’m learning new things and it’s expanding things I already know. I feel like I’m connecting some more dots in the big picture of life! This material has also challenged some of my beliefs. I didn’t realize it until I sat down to write some blog posts. I’d have something I wanted to write about, think about it in the context of these new perspectives and then what I wanted to write was blown to pieces! Back to the drawing board! I’ve been turning within to get more clarity and examine my beliefs more in this new context. I’m even thinking about my life at the moment and where I’m happy with what I’m doing and where I want to make some changes. Hence the reflective mood. Welcome to the inside of my head!

It was in this mood the other day that I was talking to my best friend. We were sharing how we’ve been feeling lately and she reminded me that we’re going on a year with the pandemic. It’s interesting to me how it does and doesn’t feel like it’s been a whole year. Do you feel the same? Afterwards, I began thinking about the past year and I wanted to share some of the questions I’ve been thinking about:

  • how have I navigated through the challenges of the past year?
  • what helped me to keep my spirits up?
  • what helped lift me up when I was feeling down?
  • what has changed within me from last year to this year? I’m thinking on all levels – physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and energetically.
  • looking back, knowing what I do now, is there anything I would do differently? (had to be careful about going into self-criticism and judgement here)

I’m still getting answers for some of the questions. Yes, they go deep, but it’s helping me see what’s working for me and what’s not. Where some change would be good and keep me moving forward rather than get stuck in a rut. To help me remember my power.

As I was writing this, I looked back at the blog post I did last March about resiliency (click here to read it). Yes, life has changed, but we’ve found ways to keep on going, to make it work and even THRIVE during this past year! Life continues. We, as individuals and a collective, have been reminded and, in some cases, learned how resourceful and creative we can be when things get tough.

As we pass the year mark and head into spring (yay for Daylight Savings Time next Sunday!), how are you doing? Are you in a good place or do you want to feel better? Are you happy with the path you’re on or want to go on a different one? Remember, you have the power to make change for yourself. You can do more than just survive, you can THRIVE! Grab the reins and do it!


  1. Curt M. says

    I want to to thank you for this wonderful read!! I definitely enjoyed every little bit of it.