Observations From A Quiet Place

Lately, I’ve been talking more about getting quiet and the importance of having quiet time in your day. It came about after I felt drawn to do it myself and spent an entire weekend in silence. It wasn’t something I thought I should do, it was something I felt I needed to do. Since that weekend, I have been more conscious and proactive about making quiet time. I’d like to share what I’ve experienced so far!

If you’re reading this and thinking, “yeah right, one more thing to do in my already busy day”, I get it. I thought that same thing too. What if I told you it can actually help you with your busy day? What if I told you that it can help manage your time more effectively?

What’s interesting is that as I have more quiet time in my life, time actually feels like it’s slowed down! It reminds me of the movie The Matrix, where the things around the characters slow down, but they are still moving at normal speed. This month has felt like it’s been longer than the 4 weeks we’ve already gone through. I’m pleasantly surprised at all I have gotten done! And I’ve done it with less running around and stress.

Quiet time has helped me to focus and prioritize. And by prioritize, it’s not just reordering things in terms of importance. It’s also removing things from the list that I’ve come to see weren’t really important. That means I have more time and energy that I can put into things that matter to me, that nourish and uplift me and help keep me more in balance.

I’ve found that quiet time helps me stay centered with all the energy going on around and in me. Instead of getting wrapped up in drama, negativity or distractions, I am able to step back and see them for what they are – a waste and drain of my time and energy. I can stay focused on being in my spiritual sweet spot, of shining my light, radiating love and basking in the universal flow of life. By being in that space, it is in turn reflected back to me.

I hear people talking about how rude people are or negative experiences they have out in public. I’m having the opposite experience! I go out and end up talking with or meeting friendly people, who affirm the beauty and love in this world.

Sometimes I do see something wack-a-doodle or someone who is being a ding-dong, but I’m not drawn into anger, disappointment or fear as quickly or easily. That goes for the news too. I am very mindful about how much I read and from what sources. But even when I read something upsetting about our government or how divisive our country is, I can see how my getting upset and worried is not going to help anything. I am able to stay in my sweet spot and focus on how to add positively to this world rather than piling on to the negativity.

Quiet time has also helped me get in tune more with God and Spirit. I receive clearer messages and guidance. I feel their love more. It’s also enhanced my intuition. I trust it more and follow it more throughout my day. I’ve found my days going smoother and are more enjoyable than before! It’s also boosted my confidence in myself. I feel more comfortable just being me and embracing all my uniqueness!

All of this has added up to my life flowing in a much better and smoother way. I feel calm and happy and creative. I have more energy. Worry has been replaced with being in the moment and feeling safe. The increased confidence I feel within myself is a refreshing break from the insecurity I felt in the past. And I’m finding that I accept and go along with change more easily.

Those are my experiences so far in the month or so that I’ve been having quiet time. I have been sharing all this with my cousin Kim, who is a naturopath. She added that on a physical level quiet time helps the inner workings of the brain to properly function. It makes sense that our brains need a break from the fast pace and bombardment of the senses we can experience every day!

Can you see the possibilities and benefits of having quiet time? What can you do to have some quiet time in your day? It doesn’t have to take long. Try it for 5 minutes and see how you feel. It’s one more way to help you feel better, empower yourself and live a more fulfilled life!


  1. I hope to give something back and help others like
    you helped me.