Messages From Spirit > Universal Flow

Laura Gentner blog - Messages From Spirit > Universal FlowLast month I wrote about the basics of energy. This morning as I laid in bed and meditated, I got this message that I want to share. It’s another perspective on how we operate on an energetic level and why healing work and awareness are so important!

When you think of the word energy, there’s an association with movement and flow. That flow is an important part of energy work. We have phrases about it in our language. We talk about “being in the flow”, “going with the flow”, a universal flow or life flow. Each one of us is a channel for the flow of universal life energy. It runs through you from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. When I do energy work with a person, I am looking at that flow (or lack of it) in them.

When you’re in the flow, you feel like nothing can stop you! Life is great, your creativity is on fire and you have a lot of energy. You’re in the “zone”, operating on all cylinders. That universal life flow is moving through you like a strong river, with little or no blocks or resistance. Can you remember a time or times when you were in the flow?

And how about those times when you weren’t? When life felt harder somehow. When you felt tired to any degree on a physical, emotional or mental level. It felt like you lost your mojo or things weren’t clicking for you. That flow of universal life energy was being blocked or there was resistance to it.

Staying In The Flow

When you’re in the flow, you are in alignment with your Divine Creator, who is unconditional love. That love is the highest vibration of energy. No wonder you feel good, you’re basically buzzing up at that highest level!

As I’ve talked about before, everything is energy and there is a whole spectrum of vibrations of energy out there. To stay in the flow, you want to let go of the lower vibrational energy, the heavy stuff that creates those blocks and resistance in the universal flow through you.

Here are some things you can do to be more in the flow:

  • Emotions – learn to express how you feel. Many of us could do better here. We hold them in, hide them or express them in fiery ways. First of all, let go of the idea that some emotions are bad or shouldn’t be felt. There’s a reason for all emotions. Know that whatever you are feeling, whether it is happiness or anger, it’s ok. Next, find a way or learn how to express anything you feel because what you don’t express stays inside you. It literally gets stuck somewhere in your body and impedes your flow. There are many resources available, like books, podcasts, classes, groups or counselors, that can help you to learn how to express yourself in healthy ways.
  • Heal the past – holding on to past traumas and pain keeps you with one foot in the past. It keeps you from moving forward. It’s another source of blocks and resistance to your flow. The biggies I find a lot are anger, regret, guilt, blame, and sadness/heartache. What has happened in the past is done and can’t be changed. The only thing you can change is here in the present moment – you! Find resolution with your past, make peace with it within yourself so you can let those blocks go.
  • Thoughts – clean up your thoughts! Every day we have thousands of thoughts go through our heads. What runs through yours? What is the self-talk that goes on in your head? Stop focusing on what you don’t have and don’t like. That blocks the flow of life energy through you. Instead, focus on all the good in your life – what you do have, what you do like. Let your thoughts support you, encourage you, uplift you and nurture love for yourself. Know that it’s a process to change your thoughts to loving ones. Take it one day at a time. The more you practice, the easier it gets and the better you feel!
  • Beliefs – we learn many beliefs about ourselves, life and how to operate in this world from others. Some of those beliefs may have never worked for you, others may have served a purpose for a time but no longer do. What beliefs are holding you back, limiting you? Beliefs about self-worth are a huge piece for many people. When you underestimate your self-worth, you believe you can’t have good things in your life or if you do, they only last for a limited time. You believe that you can only go so far. Those beliefs alone can block that universal flow. Examine your beliefs. Ask yourself “why do I believe this?”. “Is this belief serving me well or not?” Let go of any that don’t serve you well so you can allow new beliefs in – ones that allow you to shine!
  • Learn to love and accept yourself unconditionally – be your own cheerleader. If you don’t love and respect yourself, no one else will. It has to start from within. Others feel that energy inside of you, it’s reflected in your words and actions too. If you notice a pattern of how people behave with you or treat you and you don’t like it, look within and do some healing work there first. Those negative thoughts about yourself – “I’m not this” or “I’m too that” – impede the universal flow in you. Another way to look at it is this… when you think about your Divine Creator, you are loving and respectful, right? You are an extension or expression of that Divine Being, which means they are a part of you, within you. Not loving and respecting yourself is therefore acting in the same way towards your Divine Creator. It’s a bit of reverse thinking, but it made me stop and reconsider how I treat and think of myself!
  • Pay attention to how you feel – as I said earlier, emotions serve a purpose. When you are feeling good, happy, fulfilled, creative, etc. you are in the flow, in alignment with your higher self and Divine Creator. When you are feeling bad, angry, depressed, frustrated, numb, etc. that flow is being blocked. You’re somehow out of alignment with your higher self and Divine Creator. By paying attention to how you feel, you quickly notice when you do feel bad and can make any adjustments that get you back into alignment and feeling good. Emotions are simply signs along the road of life, telling you to slow down or go full speed ahead. Pay attention to them (and express them!) to help you navigate more easily through life!
  • Forgive – this is sometimes a tricky one to understand because may people equate forgiveness with condoning what happened to them or another person’s hurtful actions. It is not that. It is letting go of feelings of anger, resentment, hurt, etc. that you are still holding on to. Feelings that are only negatively impacting you by holding on to them. Feelings that you spend time and energy on as they continue to bubble up from time to time. Forgiveness is letting go of the energy of what happened, releasing those blocks and resistance to the universal flow. It also opens you up more to see the lesson(s) in what happened to help you grow and evolve. To learn more, click here to read my post about forgiveness, which includes a powerful energy technique.

That universal flow is just another way of describing or looking at how you operate as an energetic being. It’s an easy thing to visualize – a stream of energy running through you from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. Allow that universal life energy to flow at its optimum by releasing and clearing away any blocks in or resistance to it. Allow yourself to be in the flow and shine as bright as you can!