More On Owning Your Power

Photo by Caique Silva –

Owning your power is a theme that comes up a lot in spirituality. People associate power with physical strength, money or even a position at a job. They are a form of power in this physical world, but that kind of power can be fleeting. Owning your power in the spiritual sense is an internal thing. It’s also eternal. It’s part of the package that comes with being an eternal being, an intrinsic part of every soul.

An awareness and understanding of this power help you to own it even more. The more I learn, the more I see that one of the reasons we are here is to remember our power and explore all the ways we can own or not own it. And in saying you own or don’t own your power, it’s not an absolute. So if you’re looking at a scale of 0 to 100, not owning it doesn’t mean you’re at 0. And owning it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re at 100. Every interaction, every experience, every relationship helps you fine tune your understanding of your power and with each experience you may own it more or own it less. Because along with owning it, it’s also possible to give your power away. But whether you owned your power more or less in any given situation, it all adds up to helping you understand it and move towards owning it more.

What does owning your power mean? It’s:

  • knowing that as a divine being, no one is more powerful than you (which means we are all equal. And that includes God too!).
  • being tuned in, tapped in and turned on to the divine within you – that includes your intuition and inner truth.
  • knowing that you can create anything (using your thoughts and what you choose to focus on).
  • knowing that at the core of your being you are love – you are loving, loved and loveable.
  • knowing you have everything you need already within you – answers, solutions, knowledge – to navigate anything that comes your way and turning within to access that.
  • knowing that your Divine Creator and Spirit/the Universe love and support you in every way and you are safe.

Many times you know whether you are owning your power or not by how you feel. Think about the difference in how you feel when you:

  • don’t stand up for yourself vs when you do
  • compromise your principles vs stand by them
  • play small or hide who you are vs being your authentic self
  • ignore your intuition vs listening to it
  • do what others think you should do vs listening and trusting your intuition
  • are afraid of something vs facing it and moving past the fear
  • worry about something (that may or may not happen) vs being in the present moment
  • stew in an emotion, like anger, for long periods of time vs finding a resolution so you can move on and feel happier

Notice how unempowered feels sort of yucky? And how empowered feels amazing?

I bring this up because as I’m talking and working with others, they share that they’re feeling overwhelmed, anxious, angry, sad and uncertain about things going on in their lives and the world. I see it in myself as I explore my own power. It all goes back to owning our power. And lately, when I do see or hear about people not owning their power (myself included), I’ve been hearing “it doesn’t have to be that way”. There’s a reason Spirit keeps saying this to me, so I’m paying attention and sharing it with others.

There’s no one way or “correct’ way to take back or own your power more. How you do it in any situation is for you to decide. But it does start with shifting the energy from feeling unempowered to empowered. It’s going from “oh woe is me”, grumbling, complaining or ‘I can’t do it’ thinking to focusing on answers, solutions and ‘I can do it’ thinking. Why not keep that energy going and get quiet, go within and access those answers that are already within you? Or ask your Divine Creator and Spirit/the Universe, who love and support you, for their help. And remember, you are also the creator of your reality, so stop focusing on what you don’t want or doesn’t feel good to you and start using your thoughts to plant the seeds of what you do want moving forward! You’ll feel that shift in energy, get it moving in an empowered direction and the momentum will help carry you forward from there. Then enjoy that ride!