Feel Better Now!

Let’s talk about feeling better now! It’s such a simple and obvious thing, right? Who wouldn’t want to feel better? Yet, it’s easy to get wrapped up in our day, in our lives, in what we’re doing and ignore or be unaware of how we’re feeling. I know at times I’ve been so caught up in something that I didn’t notice I was hungry (usually hangry at that point!) or about to be overdue to go to the bathroom! My body was giving me signals for a while, but I didn’t notice until I was pushing the limit and feeling very uncomfortable!

And that’s why it’s important to check in with yourself, to ask and be aware of “how do I feel right now?” on a regular basis. Because how you feel on any level is telling you what is and isn’t working for you. The sooner you are aware that something doesn’t feel right, the sooner you can make a change and the sooner you’ll feel better! I think we can all agree that life is more enjoyable (and it’s easier to deal with any blips that come up) when we’re feeling good and in that happy place!

When you do check in, it may be obvious where you can feel better. Sometimes, you may need to do a little digging. Check out your:

  • physical level – are you feeling energetic or lethargic? Is your body sending you signals, like feeling hungry or full, sleepy, aches, pains, illness or dis-ease?
  • emotional level – are you feeling happy, sad, angry, frustrated, fulfilled, peaceful, etc.? Are you allowing yourself to express what you are feeling? Or are you holding it in or hiding it from others? Are you holding on to the past?
  • mental level – are you feeling focused and alert or scattered and foggy?
  • spiritual level – do you feel connected to your inner truth, your higher self, the calm and wisdom within you or not?
  • energetic level – are you owning your energetic boundaries? Are you giving your power away to someone or something? Are you keeping your energetic space clear?

Being aware of and honoring how you feel is an act of self-love. You are also owning your power more when you understand that if you are not feeling your best, you can take a step to feel better right now. And the relief you feel from taking that step, even if it’s just a tiny one, will leave you wanting to take another step and another and another until at some point you realize, in the words of James Brown, “I feel good!”.