Centering Tip #1 – Present Time Yourself

Throughout August, I will be sharing tips and techniques I use to help me center during the day and feel better. They are things you can do in about 5 minutes or less!


This is an easy technique to do if you’re having trouble focusing, feeling scattered, keep thinking about the past or worried about the future.

Your physical body can only be in one place at a time – right here, right now, in the present moment. But you as spirit are unlimited and are able to travel in all directions of time and space and be in more than one place at the same time. You feel scattered and unfocused because not all of you is here in the present moment. Other telltale signs are you feel weepy, nostalgic or keep drifting back to things in the past. Or you find yourself worried or anxious, trying to figure out what’s ahead of you in the future.

This technique calls your higher self back here into the present moment, so your physical body and higher self are here together working as a team. Now you’re running on all cylinders!

To present time yourself, you simply say:

Today is (say today’s date – month, day and year).

I call myself back from the past,

and back from the future,

into present time.

Close your eyes if it’s safe to do so, take a deep breath and be still for a few moments.


This technique helps you feel more present in your body, making it easy to center, focus and be in the moment!