You Deserve The Best!

Laura Gentner Blog - You Deserve The Best!Sometimes you can have an a-ha that seems small at that moment, but as time goes on you realize it was actually more significant. That happened to me last week as I was talking to a friend. One simple phrase triggered it. She said “you deserve the best”. I started to reply, but instead I paused. And in that pause I heard “yes I am” within me. It came with an understanding that I felt to my core. When I finally replied with those words aloud, I meant it in a way I never had before.

That moment kept rolling around within me over the next few days. There was a part of me that was excited. I knew this was a sign that the work I’ve been doing on myself was paying off. There was also a part of me that was in awe of the feeling that came with this new understanding. Very empowering. Looking back at my life with this new perspective, I could see times in which I denied myself some happiness because I didn’t know my worth. That somehow I didn’t deserve that happiness.

Self-worth is something I think we all struggle with at points in our lives. Some more than others, but it’s a universal theme. It’s not like any of us go around consciously thinking that we only deserve garbage or scraps of good. Have you ever genuinely disagreed with someone who said you deserve the best? I think many times we simply pay lip service to it, responding with a yes, but do we truly believe it?

I decided to get quiet and ask my spirit posse for some insight. This is what I got (to simplify this, I’m going to use the word God, but feel free to use the name you call your Divine Creator):

We are all creations of God. There are many ways to express this – made in the image of, an extension of, an expression of. In plain speak, each one of us is God, one in the same. Most religious and spiritual beliefs see God as being love, perfection and all-knowingness. Within this view, God could never be lacking in anything or struggling in any way. God would only have the best. So that would then mean that we deserve the best too. Why do many not expect the same for themselves? Because they have forgotten their self-worth. They have forgotten that they are divine too.

This is due to the acceptance of limitations and then owning those limitations. But God is not limited and you are therefore not limited. You do not have to suffer. You can live heaven on earth. Do not accept the status quo of what you experience just in the physical realm. There’s so much more than that. There’s a whole universe of infinite possibilities.

Question what you see, what you experience in the physical realm. It’s like waking up, looking around and asking “why am I going along with this or that?”. It’s living from your heart, feeling rather than thinking through life. In this way, you’ll come to understand that you are divine. That you are worthy of and deserve the best. And when you live it, you’ll experience possibilities beyond your wildest dreams!

Here’s a little exercise to try. It will help show you where you are with your self-worth. Close your eyes and begin to visualize something that you desire. It may be your dream job, a relationship or a vacation. You are the artist here and can make it however you like. There are no rules, no boundaries, no limitations – anything goes! Simply create something that makes your heart sing. Do this before continuing to the next paragraph.

What did your creation look like? Do you go big and all out? Did you play it safe? Did you limit yourself in anyway? The point is that you just had the freedom to create anything in your mind with no rules or limitations. Did you allow yourself to do that? There’s no judgement about it. But if you are limiting yourself in your mind, then you will do the same in the physical realm too. You can change that! Take it one step further and look at where and/or how you limited yourself. That offers clues about what you are holding on to. Let it go so you can fully embrace your self-worth.

Do you see your self-worth in a different light now? You aren’t truly living life fully if you are denying yourself any amount of happiness. Know that abundance in all forms is your divine birthright. Focus on letting go of any beliefs, conditioning, doubts and limitations that have you currently accepting less. Because you truly do deserve the best!