Themes Of The Times – part 1

I’ve been having some great conversations that have inspired me and helped me see new perspectives as we navigate coronavirus. It’s brought joy to my heart to hear how many are taking steps to keep hope alive and focus on the positive! Over the next few days I’ll be posting on some of the themes from those conversations…



This is the word that keeps coming up over and over. We’ve all had to collectively hit the pause button in many ways in our lives. And in that pause, many have started taking a look at their life and asking some questions about the things, activities, relationships and patterns in their life. What is really necessary? What is really important? Am I happy with this? Is this lifting me up or dragging me down?

In reviewing and asking the questions, changes can be made to be more aligned with what is going on within us. Changes that support our inner growth along with our dreams, hopes and heart’s desires. Because as we each go through the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to just keep going along with the daily routine. It’s a no brainer, you don’t have to think, you just do. And while there’s some saving grace in having a routine (you don’t have to think about every single thing, plus constant change or everything changing at once would feel overwhelming), too much routine is like being in a rut. There’s not much growth and it just becomes a comfortable hell.

How are you making use of this time of pause? Have you hit a reset button in any way in your own life? As we move towards opening things back up, what will you take away from this time?


Along the same line as reset is the idea of awakening. Before this all started, there was a lot of crazy energy going on! Here in the US, there was so much bickering within our government and divisiveness in the country. Climate change, the state of the environment and the upcoming election were frequently being discussed (and argued). We even now have the term side-hustle for work you do on the side to help bring in income. There was a frenzied energy that many of us were feeling. It was an draining energy.

That energy came to a halt as coronavirus starting spreading. This pause is an opportunity for people to shake off the fog of all that and look at life from a clearer perspective. We have the opportunity individually and as groups/communities (whether it’s your family, friends, local neighborhood, state, country or globally) to make changes for the better. It’s been amazing how people have found ways to adapt and find work arounds for things! Life has not stopped!

Yes, people have passed away and we’ve seen old issues, like inequality and greed, along with new issues pop up. Yes, there is fear, worry and anxiety out there among some. But we each have a choice right now of whether or not we plug into that fear. And that’s part of the awakening, making a conscious choice to plug into love, compassion and hope. It starts within each one of us. It then ripples out from us in all directions, in different ways. The more individuals there are focusing on that love, the more we can come together, helping increase the momentum to make positive changes. Changes that are good for everyone. Because even though it is possible for you to prosper on your own, that prosperity resonates much deeper when you look around and see those around you prospering too.

Have you experienced any sort of awakening within yourself? Are you willing to take steps to unplug from any fears and move more towards love?

Stay tuned for part 2!