Messages From Spirit > Your Power

How are you feeling in the energy of the new year? It’s definitely calmer, even though we’ve had some drama on the national and world stage, a full moon and a lunar eclipse already! I was thinking about how I’ve felt through all this energy and Spirit chimed in with something about our power that I’d like to share.

The more you understand your power, you know that things like moon phases and eclipses, personal drama, world crises and even Mercury retrograde don’t have to have any draining effect on you. You simply turn within and focus on/access the love and peace that is inherent within you. Because what you focus on becomes your reality. So, will you give your attention to what is happening outside of you or inside of you? You get to choose.

When you come from that space within yourself, it is like being in the calm eye of the storm, while any drama, trauma and chaos swirls around you. This doesn’t mean that you are oblivious to what is going on around you. Instead, you are able to stay calm and centered. It means anything you do will originate from a space of love. For it is in that space of love that you can clearly “see” the best and most profound ideas, solutions and answers to anything.

This is a reminder that we – you, I, everyone – are so much bigger than any drama/trauma/worries/crap going on in our lives or around us. You have what it takes to meet and overcome anything that comes your way in life… and walk away the better for it! When you recognize that truth, when your thoughts, words and actions come from that truth, you are owning your power more! The more you own it, the better you feel! That feeling alone can encourage you to continue owning your power even more!

When you’re focused within and staying centered, it’s not always easy to watch the people you care about swirling around in the storm. You can see how they’re focused on the outer rather than turning within. Your instinct may be to jump back into that swirl with them, to help them. It’s a compassionate intention. But why make it harder on yourself? Instead, lead by example. Stay focused within. The people who are open and ready to change will notice you. They’ll feel that love and calm around you and want it for themselves. They’ll come to you, ready and open to learn the “secret” to navigating life more easily. And right there, by sharing what you know, you’ve just helped to add more peace and love in the world!

Once you’ve turned within and centered in the love and calm within you, does it mean you’ll always stay there? It’s certainly possible. But don’t be surprised if you find yourself back in the swirl again. Maintaining your focus within is one of the challenges of having this human experience. It feels hard as all get out when you first start because there is so much going on in life, so many shiny distractions. With practice it does get easier. What makes the biggest impression though is how it feels. As you feel the love and calm within you on a consistent basis, as you own your power more and grow confident with it, you’ll see that swirl of drama/trauma/chaos for what it is – an illusion. That’s when you know you’ve really turned a corner in owning your power! Yippee!