Mercury Retrograde

The planet Mercury - enhanced view

Say the words Mercury Retrograde in any kind of metaphysical/psychic gathering and people get a little antsy. As I first started hearing about it, I felt the same. Mercury Retrograde seemed to be the equivalent of walking on thin ice. Well, my perspective has changed. There’s no need to get all Henny Penny, the sky is falling, anxious about it. In fact, you can use the energy of Mercury Retrograde to your advantage!

What is Mercury Retrograde?

It’s when the planet Mercury appears to be moving backwards in its orbit. It doesn’t really do that. It’s just an optical illusion based on the different speeds at which Earth and Mercury travel around the sun. In astrology, a planet in retrograde is considered weak. This means that the strong influence a planet usually has as it moves forward lessens. This lesser influence during retrograde is what leads to things going a little haywire.

Mercury Retrograde happens 3 – 4 times a year and lasts about 3 weeks. Those 3 weeks are when the effects of the retrograde are the strongest. There is also a 2 – 2 ½ week shadow period before and after the retrograde, known as Pre- and Post-Retrograde. During these times, the retrograde effects are present but to lesser degrees. They’re a sort of winding up and winding down of retrograde. In addition, the first and last day of the 3-week period are thought to be when the effects are the strongest. They mark when the planet goes retrograde (backwards) and when it goes direct (forwards again).

What Happens During Mercury Retrograde?

In astrology, each planet rules over certain areas. For Mercury, this is intellect, perception, contracts, communication and travel. During retrograde, Mercury’s usual strong favorable influence over these areas is less, so they seem to go a little wonky.

Mercury Retrograde is not a time for starting anything new, like contracts, projects or ideas. Technology, such as computers and devices, don’t work or have glitches. Communication with others can feel thorny as Mercury influences how people speak, write, and take in information. Travel plans and itineraries can also be adversely affected.

It’s not that you shouldn’t do any of these things during this time. That’s not only silly, it’s also impractical! Awareness and a little planning are your friends here. If possible, make reservations and start contracts and projects before Mercury Retrograde begins. If it’s already in the works when retrograde starts, it’s ok. Another option is to simply wait until retrograde ends. With any of these areas, slowing down, paying attention to the details, double-checking the details and exercising a little more patience will help you navigate retrograde like a pro!

Using The Energy of Mercury Retrograde To Your Benefit

While Mercury Retrograde may seem like some kind of inconvenience, that’s not the whole picture of it. As with anything in life, there are ebbs and flows. Mercury Retrograde is one of those ebbs – a slowing down from the usual hustle and bustle.

It’s a great time to put your attention on things you have already started. Think of it as the “re” time – rework, revisit, reorganize, review, redo, re-evaluate, reassess, readdress, redesign. Use the time to redirect your energy in more productive ways. I see it as a way to catch up on unfinished things or refocus on ideas and projects that I lost my creative steam with.

There’s no reason to fear or be anxious about Mercury Retrograde! Some patience and planning will benefit you greatly during this time. And by embracing retrograde, you can flow within the energy of it and use it in a productive way!


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