Get Quiet – Connecting With Your Higher Self And Spirit

Soul Talk 2** This was the topic on Soul Talk August 12, 2015 **

A key part of communicating with your higher self and Spirit is getting quiet, but what does it mean to get quiet? It’s turning within and centering yourself as spirit. Where you quiet your mind and the endless chatter and thoughts that are constantly running through it. The space where your higher self is in charge, not your ego, and you are experiencing things from a neutral, spiritual perspective. You are relaxed. You tune out what is going on around you. Basically it’s like being in your own little world. Getting quiet can be different for each person. For me, when I really get into that space it’s as if everything melts away and I am floating. It can even feel dream-like. Thoughts come to me that guide, inspire, enlighten and inform me on a different level – from a big picture perspective. There have been times I’ve come out of that quiet space and when I open my eyes it’s almost a surprise to see I’m sitting where I am and all the sounds around me come rushing into my ears. One time I actually came out of that space to find my neighbor was using a buzz saw, but I didn’t hear it until that moment! One participant said they don’t feel their body, but are conscious of what’s going on in the present moment through their five senses. It’s like being in deep thought. You can do it at any time, or get into a routine of doing it. One person said they get quiet after their prayers. Getting quiet does not necessarily mean complete silence either. People around the world use various sounds to help them quiet their mind by focusing on something (more about that later). The important thing is to do it and discover what getting quiet feels like for you. It may take some practice or time. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t completely get in that quiet space every time. There are days when my body doesn’t want to cooperate or I only slow the stream of thoughts in my mind to a trickle. Just relax and get as close to that quiet space as possible.

Why is it important to get quiet? Spirit and your higher self come to you as a subtle energy, many times like a whisper or a gentle nudge. When you don’t get quiet it’s like trying to hear the person next to you at a rock concert! You can drown out that subtle energy with:

  • too much going on in your life from overextending yourself or taking on too much. You don’t have to live the life of a hermit, but it is important to own your boundaries and say no to the things that aren’t necessary (something you can figure out when you get quiet and ask your higher self!)
  • all the stuff you have going on in your head (chatter, thoughts, programming, beliefs, etc.)
  • being in your head (the ego) instead of being centered (higher self)
  • the stimuli around you (technology, social media, news, other people, drama, etc.). It can get overwhelming and make it difficult to just relax and unwind because you’re focused on other things and/or many things
  • emotions. We all have them and need to get them out in healthy ways, but when you are in that emotional space, it can affect you getting quiet and centered.

Getting quiet helps you to:

  • pick up on that subtle energy of Spirit and your higher self
  • access all the answers you need that are already within you
  • see/hear/feel/know/recognize signs and symbols from Spirit
  • get out of your ego and connect with your higher self
  • understand and learn to tell the difference between your ego and higher self
  • simply relax – connecting with your higher self and Spirit cannot be forced, you just have to relax

How can you get quiet? You may just have to play around and find out what works for you! Have fun trying new things! Internet sites like YouTube and your local library are great free resources. Here are some ideas:

  • Unplug! This is going to be different for each person, but what it comes down to is having boundaries with the technology in your life. Are you in control of that device or is it in control of you? Also, remember to mute or turn off your phone while you get quiet (trust me, it will ring, ding or vibrate at a point when you’re really in the zone and can pull you right out of it!).
  • A mindless activity – housework (I once get a message from my spirit guide while vacuuming!), gardening, coloring (mandalas, adult coloring books), walking, being out in nature – something where you can zone out. One participant said they turn on some relaxing music in the car and get quiet while driving.
  • A nap – your body is relaxed while you sleep, making it easier to receive communication from your higher self and Spirit.
  • Music – if there’s a type of music that helps you to relax, play that in the background. Or try some music specifically for meditation, there are so many different kinds – different instruments, nature sounds, instrument and nature sounds, specific frequencies, music and chanting, etc.). As a teen I listened to techno with headphones and found that certain constant rhythms (especially as I fell asleep) brought on a trance-like state. I sometimes also use a sound app with nature sounds on it that helps mask any noise around me.
  • Meditation – there are so many kinds of meditation. Try different kinds  and see what resonates with you.
  • Chanting – Buddhist monks and nuns use chanting as a way to focus on the sound they are making or hearing. Recently I found something called kirtan which is an ancient form of chanting to music from India. There is a person who chants/sings words and the “audience” repeats them.
  • Shower or bath – not only are you relaxed and more open to receiving communication, but water intensifies the energy.
  • Yoga
  • Tai chi – one participant does tai chi and said it is a form of meditation for them.

A couple more things to note:

  • To get quiet you don’t necessarily have to be in a quiet place, although that helps, especially in the beginning. If you are new to this, start out somewhere quiet so you can figure out what works best for you and know what getting quiet feels like for you. Once you know, it will help you to not only bring yourself into that space anywhere, anytime (a hectic day at work, a couple minutes you have to yourself while waiting in line somewhere or for an appointment, etc.), but also help you recognize when you may need to take a few moments to quiet and center yourself.
  • There is no time limit. Even as little as 5 minutes is fine if that’s all you can do.
  • You can get quiet the same way every time or mix it up
  • If possible, set up a space that is conducive to getting quiet. In the beginning it can help “train” your body to relax when you go to that certain room, spot, chair, etc.
  • There is no right or wrong way, do what feels right for you!