Energy Work – The Basics

Laura Gentner blog - Energy Work - The BasicsI get a lot of questions about working with energy, so I’m taking it back to the basics here! Understanding energy and seeing life from an energetic perspective can be a game changer! I love working with energy because it affects all levels – the physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual. It’s working at the fundamental level of everything. If you want to feel better, make a change or heal, it’s where you want to start!

Energy 101

When I talk about energy, I’m not talking about how much energy you physically have – that get up and go. I’m talking about what everything is made up of – yes everything. Everything is energy – you, me, animals and plants. Non-physical things too, like objects, thoughts, emotions and words. Your Divine Creator, the angels and even our loved ones who have passed on are also energy. Everything is energy and has its own vibration.

You have a vibration that is unique to you. It changes as you experience different things in life. I believe we come here to have various experiences that helps our soul evolve and become unconditional love, the highest vibration. So how you navigate through and deal with each experience affects your vibration. It can go up, go down or stay about the same.

Every day you are interacting with other energy, both inside and outside of you. Because you can only control yourself and what’s going on inside you, let’s focus on that energy inside you. Your thoughts and beliefs are energy. Their vibration affects your vibration. If they are positive and loving, they can raise your vibration. If they are negative and unloving, they can lower your vibration.

The same thing with emotions. Every emotion has a specific vibration. We tend to think of emotions as good or bad. What if they all serve a purpose and none of them are bad? Emotions are part of your learning experience. You are meant to feel and express a variety of them in your lifetime. What really matters is how you deal with them!

Most people deal with emotions like love and joy in a healthy way. They feel them and express them. Where we tend to get tripped up is with emotions like anger, sadness and regret. We’ve been taught that they are bad, that we shouldn’t feel them, so we don’t really know how to feel and express them in healthy ways. Instead, we tend to hide, ignore or push down those kinds of emotions and they don’t get expressed. That energy stays inside of you and affects your vibration.

So any unloving thoughts and beliefs in your head, along with holding on to pains, traumas, sadness, frustrations, regrets, guilt and anger are not helping you raise your vibration. Instead, they lower it. They get in the way of feeling as good as possible, enjoying life as much as possible and being as happy as possible. And because everything is energy, when you are holding onto lower vibrational stuff, it affects you on the other levels too.

We naturally want to keep raising our vibration, moving closer and closer to the vibration of love, because that is what feels best to us. But sometimes we don’t know how to let the pain go, get stuck in it or can’t find relief. That’s where energy work can help!

What is Energy Work?

Energy work is using high vibrational energy to shift, change or clear out lower vibrational energy. It works across all levels because everything is energy. As you do energy work, any shifts or changes you make happen immediately on the energetic level. From there it ripples out to the other levels.

The pace of that ripple varies depending on the person and what they are working on. It is possible to work on something and be done with it then and there. Sometimes we affect the pace (ex. fears, doubts, how willing/open you are to change). And other times it takes time to unfold. This can happen when there are layers to what we are working on.

There are many ways to do energy work. I like to focus on running energy and channeling it. I run energy by visualizing a ball of high vibrational energy (God’s energy or another healing energy) and having it flow like a waterfall through me. I use that energy to clear out what I am working on, which can be anything. Emotional baggage, old beliefs, programming/conditioning, imbalances, blocks, thoughts, patterns, addictions, energetic attachments, past life stuff, chakras, auras, soul contracts – it’s all energy! When I’m working with a client, I guide them to run the energy so they experience it themselves. Once I take them through a session, they can continue doing energy work on their own. Yes, it is that easy!

Channeling energy means I allow God’s energy to go through me to another person. Picture me as a hose and God’s healing energy as the water running through it. I focus the energy and hold the space as the energy is channeled. This can be done in-person or remotely.

Why do energy work?

The whole point of energy work is to shift or release something so that you feel better in some way. By working at the energetic level, you focus on the fundamental level that everyone and everything is made of. That’s how you maximize your effort and make the most impact!

Here are some more benefits of energy work:

  • The more you raise your vibration, the better you feel
  • Once you learn some basics, you can do it yourself
  • Energy is free
  • You can do it anywhere, anytime
  • Feeling empowered
  • Once you feel its effects, it can motivate you to keep going and make changes for the better in other parts of your life
  • It can be very relaxing, even meditative
  • Many people report feeling calmer, having more clarity and/or receiving spiritual messages/guidance as they work with energy
  • It is a form of self-love and self-care

On a personal note, I’ve been doing energy work since 2013 and the journey has been amazing! I have healed and let go of a lot of stuff that wasn’t serving me well. It is very freeing! I am enjoying life in a way that I never have before. I feel more alive than I ever have. It has strengthened my connection with God and Spirit. It helps me relax and get quiet. I understand myself more and feel more confident about who I am. I have come to understand that I am not a victim of circumstances or life, but an active co-creator of my life. It’s very empowering! And it feels wonderful!