Challenge – Your Thoughts and Words

I was part of a conversation this week with some people who were working on a project. One of them was saying how they had finished their part and even though they had double checked it, they would likely still find some typos after the project was turned in. As I heard that last part, it was like the energy of the conversation came to a screeching halt inside me. It’s just one example of the things I hear people say (and I hear it come out of my mouth still too) and it makes me wonder, why do we do this? Why do we sabotage ourselves with our words and thoughts like that?

Words and thoughts are energy. Our thoughts create our reality. And our words reflect our thoughts and beliefs. So doesn’t it make sense to use them to create what we want, to use them like a paintbrush and paint a picture of what we want rather than what we don’t want?

So this month I’m challenging you – to be more aware of what you say and what you’re thinking. To use this awareness to let go of or clean up those thoughts that sabotage or limit you. To help you focus more on things you do want to have or experience. To hear what is coming out of your mouth and see if you can speak in ways that uplift, encourage and nurture you. That align with your dreams and your heart’s desires. Do you notice a difference in how you feel when your thoughts and words are building you up versus breaking you down?

Don’t be surprised if as you become more aware of this for yourself, you also become more aware of it with others. Do you notice anything about people whose words are regularly self-nurturing and those whose aren’t?

I’d love to hear what you discover with this challenge! Any a-ha moments, things you find amazing or surprising! Email me at and we can be amazed together!