Centering Tip #5 – Bath

Throughout August, I’ll be sharing tips and techniques I use to help me center and feel better in about 5 minutes or less!

This one takes a bit longer than 5 minutes, but it’s so worth it! At the end of the week, I love to take a bath to help me center! I started taking baths during my Spiritual Guide training. My instructor had received a message that an Epsom salt bath would be good to cleanse my aura and help me feel better. So I bought some Epsom salt and the rest is history!

As I’m running the water for the bath, I put in about half a cup or so of Epsom salt. Once I’m ready to get in, I add a drop or two of lavender oil. I have some meditative spa-like music playing quietly. I shut the shower curtain half way to diffuse the light. And then I read, meditate, do some energy work or just listen to the music and relax. It’s also a great place to talk to my spirit posse. Water is an excellent conduit for spirit, so things come through from them much more easily and clearly! I’ve tried watching a movie a couple times, but I don’t feel as relaxed afterwards. No matter what I start doing, most of the time I end up falling asleep for a bit. I’ve had some pretty vivid dreams or visions that way!

As I relax in the bath, I feel more centered within myself. It’s a washing away of any stress, worries, frustrations, etc. from the week. Besides the spiritual/energetic aspect, it’s also just plain good self-care, to rejuvenate and pamper myself! Because I’m worth it!