Awareness And Owning Your Power On Election Day

Well it’s finally here, Election Day! And just like any other day, it’s a chance to put into practice the awareness you’ve been developing and all the things you’ve been learning about yourself and your power. So are you ready to take the reins and make this another awesome day? Are you ready and willing to rise above any fear energy and emotions resulting from it? Because regardless of what happens outside of you today, you only have control of what’s going on inside of you. So why not choose to feel good and make it an amazing day?

Here are some ideas and techniques to help you (click on the links to explore/learn more)

  • Set your intention for the day – affirm that you are a powerful soul, it is a beautiful day and your possibilities are unlimited. Affirm that you choose love, joy, peace, compassion, etc. Try my morning ritual.
  • Grounding
  • Shielding/bubble of light
  • Be aware of how you feel. If something feels good to you, keep milking it! If it doesn’t feel good to you, make a change! This can be your thoughts, words, conversations you’re having with others, what you’re watching or listening to, or what you’re doing.
  • Don’t be shy about owning your boundaries, especially with people who want to talk about and focus on fearful things. How you own your boundaries is for you to decide. It may mean changing the subject, telling someone you want to talk about something else that feels better, walking away from a conversation, leaving the room, etc.
  • Call on your spirit team for help or support
  • Use affirmations – all is well in my world, things are always working out for me, I am love, there is love all around me
  • If at some point you find yourself feeling angry or overwhelmed or anxious or worried, it’s ok. Your emotions are telling you what you’re focusing on, the energy you’re plugging into. Simply recenter yourself. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and slow things down within you. Refocus on something that makes you feel better and let your thoughts bring you back to feeling better. Then milk the heck out it!

Yes, you are here in a finite physical body, but you are also a powerful unlimited soul. You came here to experience and play in all the different energies of this world. To remember your power. To explore your power. To have various experiences and learn how to navigate them as you own your power. And today is the perfect day to do that!