Who’s Got The Wheel?

whos-got-the-wheel-copyThis is a technique I created to help me deal with my ego. I’ve been using it a lot this week. My ego has been piping up as I work on another blog post. It’s been sounding off during quiet moments. Basically, it feels like it’s been working overtime recently! The ego likes to take control and keep us in a space of fear by talking us out of things, finding reasons not to do something. It also likes drama! It can be a real stinker, especially when you just want to shine your light!

So when it starts trying to assert itself, I picture my ego and me in a vehicle. My ego is in the driver’s seat having a grand old time at the wheel. The first thing I do is acknowledge it. Hey ego, I see what you’re doing, nice try! Next, I thank it for helping me to learn and grow. I used to see the ego as an enemy until I read The Rollercoaster of Life by Jo Dunning. She talks about seeing the ego as something to help you grow spiritually. It does this by throwing everything it has at you to distract you from your life purpose, to try and make you forget who you really are – a powerful, creative spiritual being. Fear, distractions, drama, emotions, you name it, it’s got a big bag of tricks. Now I talk to my ego like I would a friend. Thank you ego for trying to take over and help me in the best way you know how. However, I know that’s not the best way for me. I’ll take it from here. Then I tell my ego to go sit in the backseat as my higher self takes the wheel. I even put on a DVD for my ego to watch! It may sound silly, but sometimes I even pick the video to watch. You can quickly forget the nonsense your ego was trying to tell you a few moments earlier when you start thinking about what Disney movie to show it! My personal favorite is Monsters, Inc., so we both enjoy the ride! And voila, things quiet down and I can get back to shining my light!