December 2020 – 2 Things To Help You Feel Better

I have 2 new things I want to share that I recently learned! I have been playing around and having some fun with them! They’ve helped me feel better and I hope they do for you too!


The first is the affirmation “things are always working out for me” (thanks to Abraham-Hicks for this one). I’ve been using affirmations for a few years and this one is really resonating with me. I say it when I’m working through something or feeling frustrated to help me shift my thoughts in a more positive direction. I say it when things do work out for me – as a confirmation or validation. I shared it with my best friend and now we constantly remind each other that things are always working out for us, especially when we’re talking about something that’s challenging us. And I even say it at random times throughout the day, to remind myself that things are working out for me and keep a positive flow of energy going!


Besides helping me feel better and shift my energy, it’s been a blast seeing more things work out for me! It’s traffic being clear in both directions when I turn out of the parking lot of my part-time job (I’ve sat there for almost 5 minutes at times, trying to turn out!). It’s the teaching gig that fell into my lap when I needed a little more money or a new client contacting me for a session. It’s finding the things I need on sale. It’s the surprises and the synchronicities that keep happening and affirm that everything is always working out for me! It makes me smile or I laugh and feel a warm fuzzy in my heart.


This affirmation has also helped me understand and trust more that Spirit has my back. It’s not that I didn’t trust before, but there was a bit of doubt there, a question mark rather than a period at the end of ‘Spirit has my back’. That trust has kicked off a beautiful cycle because the more I trust and things work out, the more I relax. The more I relax, the more I open up to all the beautiful possibilities out there for me. And in return, I feel happier and life just feels like it keeps getting better! And that trust has also strengthened my relationship with my spirit posse, who has been coming through stronger and more easily to me!


The second thing I want to share feels a little silly at first, but it really works! Last week I had a stressful day at my part-time job. I started feeling overwhelmed and it got to the point where I just wanted to cry. Well, I held the tears in and got through the day. That took a toll on me though because I ended up with a headache and I was cranky and spent the evening zoning out on my couch watching YouTube.


The next morning, I was in a better place and asked my spirit posse for some help. They showed me what happened to the energy in my body when I held back the tears, stuffed down my emotions and bottled everything up – the flow of energy in my body slowed down almost to a stop. When I’m working with clients and tuning into their energy, I look for where energy isn’t flowing because that’s what’s causing issues. I’d never seen it so clearly like that in my own body though!


Then my spirit posse showed me how to deal more effectively with what I’m feeling. It’s vocalizing the emotions to help let go of that energy.


The first sound is like a sigh except that it’s louder and I sort of sing it. It goes from a higher note to a lower note. The second sound is for when I’m feeling frustrated or overwhelmed. It’s blowing air through my lips, but my lips are slightly together, so they vibrate quickly.


Yes, they both feel silly as all get out, but you know what, I feel better afterwards! And that’s the whole point. In finding a way to vent what I’m feeling, I’m allowing the emotions to flow through me rather than get stuck in my body. And by keeping the energy flowing, I’m better able to stay centered and navigate through things more easily!