Swap And Drop

** this was originally posted on the A-musing page **

Swap and Drop copyDo you find yourself always tired at the end of the day or feeling drained, even if it hasn’t been a strenuous day? As an energetic being, you can absorb the energy of others that you have interacted with into your own energetic system. Your energetic space is a sacred place and should only have your unique energy in it. Your own energy feels best to you. When you have other’s energy in your space it can throw you out of balance in different ways. One way to clear other’s energy from your space is what I call ‘swap and drop’. As with all energy work, this is all about intention. You can visualize it, think it, say it aloud, whatever works best for you! And it’s simple – you give a person back their energy, call yours back to you from them and drop any energy cords between you.

You can swap and drop individually with each person you have been around or as a group. If I have been out and interacted with many people like cashiers, store employees, etc. for a short time I don’t want to do this process for everyone I met. To make it easy I visualize a group of people with the faces blurred out standing in front of me. I have many balls of energy in my hands and extend my hands to the group. The balls of energy find their way to their rightful owner, I call my energy back to me and drop energy cords. Or I’ll say “With everyone I interacted with today, I give their energy back to them, I call mine back to me and drop all energy cords”. Swap and drop can be done whenever you feel you need to do it. If you’ve been around someone that is an energy vampire or required a lot of attention, then it may be a good idea to do it soon after saying bye to them. Or you can do it one time at the end of the day before you go to bed. I’ve noticed that if I don’t swap and drop at least before I go to bed, I end up not sleeping well and toss and turn all night. So why not give it a try and see how it can make a difference! If you’d like to share your experience swapping and dropping, click here. I’d love to hear from you!