
Many times I read or experience something that inspires me and I want to share it with others. People also ask me how or where they can learn more about energy, spirituality, etc. This page is for anyone who wants to learn more, experience more, explore or is just plain curious. Everything listed here is something that I have personally read, gone to or experienced that really resonated with me. It is by no means the ‘end all be all’ list of resources, just what I know and want to share with others. So dive in and see what resonates with you to help you on your journey, satisfy that nudge from your intuition or maybe even inspire you!


People/ Books

Echo Bodine – she has written a number of excellent books on intuition, spirituality, healing and the soul.

Growing Up Psychic by Chip Coffey – a great book for adults and kids with abilities that are trying to get a handle on what is happening with them. I also had my first psychic reading with Chip!

Discover The Power Within You by Eric Butterworth – this book looks at the teachings of Jesus and what it means to be a spiritual being.

The Secret Of The Soul by William Buhlman – info about out of body experiences (OBEs), astral travel and ways to initiate them.

Abraham-Hicks – Esther Hicks channels the teachings of a non-physical consciousness, Abraham. You’ve heard of the Law of Attraction? That is the teaching of Abraham. It is all about energy!

Jo Dunning – does energetic healing through processes she channels. I had the pleasure of hearing her and experiencing the healing processes during a week long appearance on a website. The healing processes helped me a great deal!

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay – an excellent book about healing! Louise is the founder of Hay House and is a firm believer in affirmations.

Healing Your Life by Dr. Marc Halpern – great introduction to Ayurveda.

Absolute Beauty by Pratima Raichur – how to approach beauty through Ayurveda. This is where I found the daily skin care routine that I currently use and love!

Shannon Knight – this is a special shout out to my amazing instructor, who is all about JOY!!!

What is Lightbody by Archangel Ariel, channeled by Tashira Tachi-ren – about the ascension of the planet and ourselves. Includes the unified chakra meditation and other useful techniques and tools.

Dying To Be Me by Anita Moorjani – wonderful book about her near death experience (NDE), what she learned about the importance of self-love and how to live life fully!

Notes From The Universe by Mike Dooley – love this book and the sequel, More Notes From The Universe. I listen to them as I eat breakfast and get ready in the morning. They are great for helping me set the intention for my day and stay in my spiritual sweet spot!

I also suggest going to your local bookstore or library and browsing through the Spirituality or New Age section. You can ask Spirit to help you find the right book for you. Be open to how the info comes to you – it could be a feeling, you pick up a book and get a sensation, one stands out to you somehow, or a book may even fall off the shelf!

Media – a website devoted to bringing people together with common interests. just put in your zip code and you can see groups near you. I’ve found groups focused on spirituality and other interests. It’s a great way to meet people and in some cases, find your tribe!


Mandalas/ Coloring Books – plain and simple, it’s coloring for adults that can help you get into a meditative state. I know of mandalas in Buddhism, but they are found in other religions and cultures. You can find more information on-line as well as web sites offering free mandalas to color. Here are some examples of mine!

mandala 3 copymandala 2 copymandala 1 copy