Messages From Spirit > The Suitcase

Suitcases filled with the unresolved pastA few years ago, I had a very surprising vision. I was connecting with my uncle who had passed away about 15 years earlier. I saw him from behind as he had been when he crossed over into God’s light. He was carrying two rather large suitcases. As soon as I saw them, I understood that those suitcases contained all the things he had not resolved in his lifetime. It was pretty startling! Soon after that vision, the suitcases started appearing for other people as I did readings for them. The message about those suitcases is always the same – we don’t need to be carrying them.

The suitcases I see are those oldies but goodies from back in the day. The ones that didn’t have wheels, you actually had to carry them! Even if you packed light, they eventually became cumbersome. You initially think you can carry them for a long time, but sooner or later they start to get heavy and slow you down.

What’s in the suitcases? Quite simply, it’s the past – emotions, pain, trauma, etc. – stuff we didn’t deal with when it happened and any fallout – regrets, resentments, depression, etc. – from avoiding it. There are any number of reasons for not facing it and dealing with it back then or since then. That’s not the point. Spirit would rather you be aware of what you are still carrying around so you can heal it and release it.

There are a number of ways carrying a suitcase of this stuff can affect you as you continue on in life:

  • It’s a distraction. As you start new things in your life (projects, jobs, relationships, endeavors), this stuff begins to pop up and can take your attention away from what you are trying to do or create. These distractions can be past emotions that start bubbling up or memories of what happened in the past. You end up trying to juggle the emotions or the memories along with what you are doing in the present moment rather than just focusing on and enjoying the present moment.
  • It weighs and/or slows you down. From an energetic perspective, the regret, pain, sadness, etc. is lower vibrational energy. This lower vibration pulls on your naturally high vibration and hinders you moving forward.
  • There’s no room for new energy. Think about what happens if you are literally holding suitcases in your hands. If someone offers you something, you can’t take it because your hands are full (with the past). Release the suitcases and now you can take what is being offered (new energy).
  • It’s toxic on a physical level. Holding on to this stuff can affect your physical body. When I tune into people during readings, I feel things like throat issues, digestive issues, back problems, neck and shoulder pain, etc. It can all be traced back to energy that is stuck there: sadness in the chest, unexpressed words in the throat, pressure on oneself in the shoulders. We are meant to express what we are feeling. When we don’t, it gets stuck in our body, which then sends us signals. It starts with aches and pains. The longer you ignore it, the more serious it becomes and can lead to illness and disease. Releasing this stuff helps your body operate at its best so it can stay healthy and strong.

Facing what’s in the suitcase, especially if you have been avoiding it for a long time, can feel scary or overwhelming. Many times, we don’t deal with something as it happens because it feels like too much to bear at the time. It can feel easier to run away from it or ignore it. There’s no judgment in that. How you feel at the time is how you feel.

By becoming aware of the suitcase, you now have a choice: continue carrying it around with you, having past stuff bubble up at inopportune times or deal with what’s in it and let it go. If you choose the latter, know that you don’t have to do it all in one day! You can deal with it as it naturally comes back up again. If you feel ambitious, ask yourself what you’re holding on to and whatever pops into you your mind, face it. You’ll know the best way for you to let it go and heal. Some examples are: journaling, talking to someone you trust, energy work (one of my favorites!), or traditional therapy/counseling. Don’t forget you also have your very own spirit team who will help if you ask! As hard or scary as it may seem, know that anything you may feel in dealing with this stuff now will actually be less painful than lugging it around with you the rest of your life.

Do yourself a favor (there’s that self-love again!) and start unpacking that suitcase! Lighten your load and feel better as you continue down this path of life