Light – part 2

B3 sunAs my fascination with the light that we are as spirit continues, I began thinking about how that light shines. As sparks off the Divine Sparkler (God), I believe we each inherently shine at the maximum brightness, which is the same brightness as God. The question is are we? If not, then why aren’t we?

Imagine the sun. On a cloudy day, we all know that the sun is still shining as brightly as it always does, even if we can’t see it. It’s just the clouds that affect how much light reaches us. Now replace that image of the sun with that bright spark of light that is you as spirit. You as spirit always shine brightly, just as the sun does. Are there any clouds affecting how much of your light is shining out into the world? Things like fear, doubt, anger, sadness, worry, etc.? The stuff that holds you back from following your dreams. The little voice that says you aren’t good enough, smart enough, etc. That which keeps you from saying or doing something you really want to because of what others may think. Not trying something because you think you may fail or not do well. Ignoring your intuition about what is best for you and instead doing what you think is expected of you or what others think you should do. Are any of these familiar to you? You have a choice though. Do you want to live with the clouds or do you want to clear them away? Clearing away the clouds allows you to shine out into the world, to more readily tap into and live your divine potential. If you are living your divine potential then you are creating and manifesting your heart’s desires without limits! You’ll feel better and be able to enjoy more of what life has to offer!

What can you do to help clear away those clouds? I asked for help from Spirit and received guidance that can help you to just be your bright, shiny self!

  • Turn within and listen to your higher self and your body. Release the things you are holding on to that no longer serve you and begin healing.
  • Do not be afraid!
  • Be authentic – just be you, don’t try to be anyone else!
  • Speak your truth!
  • Follow your intuition, it will never steer you wrong.
  • Open up your heart and love – both yourself and others.
  • Be compassionate to yourself and others.
  • Try! (Something that has helped me is to redefine failure. Tell yourself that the only way to fail is by not trying. Thanks to Jim Brown of Heart Centered Loving on Blog Talk Radio for that definition!)
  • Change your thoughts – focus on what your heart desires and forget about the insignificant stuff. You will manifest what you are thinking and focusing on.
  • Be in the present.
  • Be gentle with yourself – we can be our worst critics so learn to forgive yourself.

Don’t be intimidated by the list. This is a process and will take some time, but I’m here to say that it’s worth it! I don’t have this list mastered by any means, but I look at every day as another opportunity to try. As with anything, the more you do it, the easier it gets until it becomes automatic and you don’t even have to think about it anymore.

As a child of God you have divine DNA and limitless potential. Why let some measly clouds block your light? Clear those clouds away so your light can shine everywhere and see how far you can go!