The Ripple Effect

B6 The Ripple Effect copyWhen I became aware of my abilities a few years ago, I thought this journey was just about me. I never thought that it would become something bigger than me. And I certainly never imagined that it would lead to how things are now! At first I only shared what I was doing and discovering with the people I was closest to at the time. I was hesitant to tell others because I was afraid of what they would think of me. Eventually I began opening up and was amazed at what happened! It started out with me having some really cool conversations with people about spirituality, abilities and even the paranormal. Those conversations gave me the confidence to open up even more and once that happened, there was no going back! That led to me finding out that people in my family (both immediate and extended) also have abilities that are open. I have a huge extended family and was at the point where I only really saw them at weddings or funerals anymore. That has changed! I now keep in touch with more of my relatives as we share what is happening with our abilities. It feels (at least to me) that no one ever talked about this stuff, but now we talk more freely about what we are experiencing. In fact, we are finding out that others before us in the family had experiences that they couldn’t explain! So discovering my abilities has not only affected me – I continue exploring and learning more, have become more spiritual, am connected with God and Spirit in a new and deeper way, changed career paths, started my own business and now help others. It has also affected my family – some of us are opening up more, we are more connected and watching the ripple continue through other parts of the family, including the next generation!

The cool thing about the ripple effect is that it can happen in so many ways. All it takes is that initial something (go with whatever visual works for you here – a drop of water, a stone, etc.) to hit the water and the ripples expand out from there. It can be in terms of scale, something big that impacts a community, a country or even the world.  Or something smaller, like simply smiling at a stranger. You never know when just a smile may make a difference in someone’s day! In terms of energy, it can add more light in the world or raise the vibration as it radiates out. Or it can do the opposite. Have you ever watched a family member or friend make a change in their life that resulted in them being happier, in better health or a better situation somehow? Did it get you thinking ‘Hey, if they can do it, why can’t I?’ I’ve noticed when someone makes a change for the better that allows them to live their life more fully, they are like that initial drop of water. The resulting ripples are like a wakeup call to others that they too can make changes for themselves to live their lives to the fullest!

If you stop and think about it, every interaction we have with each other creates the ripple effect in some way. It would be great if it had a positive effect every time, but we all know that’s not always the case! We are all here to learn and making mistakes or having missteps is part of the process. When you become aware of how your actions can affect people or situations though, it is a step in the right direction. You then know you have the choice of the kind of ripple effect you want to create!