The Law of Attraction and Manifesting

** This was the topic on Soul Talk January  18, 2016 **

Soul Talk logo“Like attracts like” so the saying goes. And that’s what the Law of Attraction is all about. Although I had heard about the Law of Attraction I didn’t know much about it. Last year I heard Abraham/Hicks for the first time and was hooked! Esther Hicks is a woman who channels the non-physical consciousness that is known as Abraham. They have worked together for about 20 years, talking about the Law of Attraction. As I continue to follow their work, I have been incorporating it into my life and sharing what I have learned with others. My goal with this Soul Talk is to cover the basics. If you wish to learn more I highly recommend Abraham/Hick’s work. A big thank you to Esther for sharing her gift with the world by allowing Abraham to come through her and to Abraham for offering guidance that helps us all!

The foundation of the Law of Attraction is that we are all spiritual beings with infinite power and the ability to create our reality. Whatever we can think, we can manifest. A term that Abraham uses frequently is co-create. We are each co-creating our realities within the universal flow of energy. Knowing this allows you to be a conscious creator of your reality. As one of the callers commented, using the term co-create gives a sense of empowerment. I agree!

How do you manifest with the Law of Attraction? It starts with stating what you want. Abraham refers to this as launching a rocket of desire. You put what you want out into the Universe. When you do this, your higher self has already moved to the point of it happening or coming to fruition. Now you as your physical self have to energetically get to that same point to make it happen. You do this by focusing on that desire, visualizing it happening, feeling the wonderful emotion as if it has already happened. This helps you become a vibrational match for what you want. Staying at that vibrational match keeps you in alignment with your higher self and helps you attract that which will help you get to that point of fruition. You’ll begin to notice that the Universe is conspiring in cool ways to help you! You’ll find yourself doing things that move you closer to that point where your higher self already is. The key is to stay aligned with your higher self.

How do you know if you’re aligned with your higher self? Through your emotions. When you as your physical self are moving in the direction of that point where your higher self already is, you feel good – happy, fulfilled, excited, etc. When you as your physical self are not moving in the direction of that point, then you don’t feel good – you feel unhappy, frustrated, angry, etc. Abraham refers to this as upstream vs. downstream. When you are aligned with your higher self and feeling good it’s like going downstream in a boat – you can pull in the oars, go with the current and enjoy the ride. When you’re not aligned with your higher self it’s like going upstream – you’re going against the current, fighting it.

I was surprised to hear Abraham say that this is all about thought. You can create anything with your thoughts. Really? So I can just sit at home, think of what I want and it will magically appear?! Well, not exactly, but here’s an example. Let’s say you want to get in shape. You shoot that rocket of desire out into the universe and your higher self is already there, in shape. Now you as your physical self have to focus on that desire. It’s not just about saying the words, you have to feel it. Visualize how great you look in shape. Feel the joy you’ll feel when you reach that goal, how awesome you will feel physically and emotionally. Use that visual and the feelings to keep you focused on that goal and stay vibrationally matched. You don’t have to sit down and plan out your workout schedule or what you’ll eat. Use your emotions to guide you. How do you feel when you are being a couch potato? How do you feel when you come back from a walk or the gym? How do you feel when you made a healthy choice for dinner? By being aware of and honoring your emotions, you’ll begin to find that your actions move in the direction of getting into shape. Maybe you realize one day that you’re parking further away from entrances of stores or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Or a friend calls you and invites you to do something that gets you active. Or you went on line to look for something and “stumbled” across something else that helps you to get in shape. By focusing on the visual and the feeling, you stay in that happy space, continuing to attract that which will get you to what you want. And if you start to feel yucky, you know you’re not heading towards your desire, so you shift your focus and move back in the right direction.

The Law of Attraction is universal and works for everything, including what we don’t want too. Remember earlier about focusing on what you want? Well, if you focus on what you don’t want, guess what happens?! You become a vibrational match to what you don’t want and that’s what you attract. Then you aren’t moving to that point where your higher self is and you feel yucky. So it’s important to focus on what you want – the visual of it, the feeling of it. Now that is easier said than done! We all have an ego to deal with and that ego likes to keep us in a space of fear. So Abraham is clear that if you find yourself focusing on what you don’t want or are feeling yucky, you can turn it around. Don’t judge or criticize yourself, simply make your way back into that nice feeling, vibrationally matching space.

A question was asked about having wanted something but it didn’t manifest. That happens when we shoot that rocket of desire but we as our physical self didn’t move towards or meet where our higher self was. Or we didn’t focus on what we wanted and instead focused on what we didn’t want.

Another part to the Law of Attraction is allowing. You need to focus on what you desire, not how it will happen. Trust that if you do your part, it will happen. Then allow it to happen. If you try to control it, you will find yourself going upstream. This is also important when someone else is involved because we all have free will. You can’t attract what you want for someone else. Instead you need to focus on what you want.

We finished up Soul Talk with ways to help you manifest using the Law of Attraction. These are only suggestions, take and use what resonates with you.

  • Get quiet – it helps with so many things, including staying focused!

o   One of the callers offered a technique she uses to get out of her physical space and into a higher, centered space. Start with saying today’s date. Visualize the space or room you are in physically. Then start backing out level by level (kind of like Google maps!) – to street level, then city, then state. Keep going until you are out floating in the universe.

  • Use mantras as a way to stay focused on what you want or take you out of a yucky space.
  • Make a vision board to help you stay focused on what you want. You can make one and hang it where you will see it often. You can also take a picture of it and make it the screen saver on your computer or phone. There are also vision board apps available for your phone.
  • Be aware of your thoughts. Are you staying focused? Is your ego speaking up and trying to talk you out of it or throwing distractions at you?
  • Release anything energetically that is getting in the way of you manifesting or staying focused on your desires– fear, doubt, programming, limiting beliefs (I don’t deserve x, y or z), past life energy (ex. a vow of poverty taken in a past life which affects your finances in this lifetime).
  • Ask Spirit for help
  • As you start making changes and moving towards what you desire, your body may start acting up. Our bodies don’t like change and would rather keep things as they are. Communicate with your body, letting it know what you are doing, that it is safe and you will keep it safe.
  • Something I learned from Doreen Virtue when asking God for something is to add “this or something better” at the end. You put what you want out there but leave it open to God’s wisdom. She explained that we may be unknowingly limiting ourselves with what we desire. We may be asking for a Toyota but God is chuckling because we could actually have a Ferrari! Why unintentionally short change yourself?!