Messages From Spirit > Rising To The Surface

We’ve all seen buoys, forever floating on the surface of the water. Even if a big wave washes over it and pushes it down under the water, it always pops back up to the surface. This is the image that Spirit showed me recently during a reading.

The buoy represents us. Each one of us is an energetic being and has a unique vibration that is naturally high. No matter what happens to us, that natural vibration wants to propel us back up to the surface of whatever turbulent waters we may be in. Emotions like sadness, anger or grief are also energy, but a lower, heavier energy. When we hold on to them, they affect our vibration. Think of them as anchors on a buoy, pulling it down under the water.

We are meant to have emotions, it is part of our human experience. However, they are not meant to be held on to like some prized possession. They are meant to be expressed! I recently heard a presentation that made this a bit clearer. Think of babies. You know exactly what they are feeling at that moment. When they are uncomfortable or upset, they cry, scream and fuss at that moment. When they are comfortable and happy, they smile, laugh and can light up a room with their happiness at that moment. How many adults do you know that openly express how they feel in the moment on a regular basis? As we grew up, we were taught and learned through various ways that it’s not always nice or polite or “good” to show your emotions. How many times have you felt one thing but expressed the opposite? The whole “grin and bear it” way of thinking. It’s that way of thinking though, which is pulling down like an anchor on the lightness of your vibration.

How can you be more at your natural vibration? Quite simply, let go of the emotions you didn’t express and are holding on to inside of you. There are many ways to do this. Some suggestions include:

  • do some energy clearing. You can do it on your own or with an energy practitioner, like myself.
  • journal
  • watch a movie or listen to music that will help bring the emotion to the surface. (For example, I have a “sad” playlist on my I-pod with songs that tug on my heart. I listen to it when I am feeling down and feel like crying but the tears aren’t coming. After a few songs and a good cry, I feel much better! And lighter!)
  • sometimes you need a physical way to release. (Thank you to Louise Hay for the following!) Scream in a car with the windows rolled up or in an isolated area. Play a sport, like tennis, where you hit something in a healthy way. Anything where you can physically release what you are feeling without hurting yourself or others.

Find a way (or ways) that feels right for you and do it. It may be painful or uncomfortable as the emotion comes up, but you can do it! And it is well worth it! You’ll feel better afterwards on an energetic, emotional and physical level! And this release will ripple out into the rest of your life too!

Then moving forward, as things happen in your life and you feel various emotions, give yourself permission to express and deal with them. Expressing them doesn’t mean you have carte blanche to haul off and yell at or punch someone who ticks you off. Or to behave in a way that dishonors the beautiful soul that you are. It means finding healthy ways to express how you feel. Dealing with your emotions means:

  1. acknowledging how you feel (Yes! I am angry or sad or hurt!)
  2. feeling that emotion (allow yourself to be angry or sad or hurt)
  3. and when you’re ready, letting it go so it can flow through you and out.

How long it takes is up to you. I heard of a woman who gives herself a time frame (a couple hours, even a day or two) to feel the emotion and at the end of it, she lets it go and is done with it. Don’t ignore what you are feeling or push it down. It only ends up getting stuck within you and weighing you down. Acknowledge it, feel it and let it flow right on out, just like a baby does. Then you can go back to happily bobbing along the surface of the water that we call life!