Is It Just Me 1/16/16

So I went skipping into the new year feeling this great energy and so much possibility. It’s now the 15th and I already feel like “what the…? What happened to all my great intentions?”!

I feel like I’m running into a wall. It’s a wall I created myself out of fear.  I know I need to put myself out there more as a Spiritual Counselor, that I could be doing more. I love what I do, so why am I afraid? I’m letting my ego talk me out of what my heart knows to be true. I know the ego tries to do that, I teach people about it all the time, yet here I am listening to it instead of my heart! Tricky little bugger!

The past few years I have become more aware of the signs that I’m running up against fear! What are they? I feel bored, unmotivated and I get lazy. I get distracted by things s normally don’t interest me. I need some structure in my day, otherwise I end up wasting the day and not doing much of anything that is productive. Well, my structure is out in a snowbank somewhere! Not only is my sleep all wack-a doodle, but I haven’t been meditating daily. When I let those two slide, it feels like everything else starts sliding too. I’m getting better at seeing the signs and not letting this go on too long before I turn things around. It’s still hard though not to get frustrated with myself.

Last year I learned from Abraham/Hicks that our emotions will tell us whether we are aligned with what’s best for us. Well, from what I’m feeling, I’m not aligned! I love love love the healing work that I do and when I’m doing it I feel my soul sing! So why am I afraid to take the next step? I have received messages and guidance from Spirit that I’m doing my life purpose and that alone should make me jump up and start stepping! And how I feel when I do it tells me it’s the right thing. So why am I letting fear stand in my way???

This morning as I laid in bed I talked with my spiritual posse (yes, that’s what I call my spirit guide, guardian angels and all the wonderful beings here to help me. It’s ok to have fun with it!). I got out what I’m feeling and what I want to do. And then I asked them to help me change things for the better (I totally felt the energy ramp up around me after typing that last sentence! I love it when they do that!). I know I’m never alone and I have all the help I need if I simply ask. Sometimes I forget that because I get so stuck in my head and forget to just breathe and connect with my higher self and Spirit. That’s where the answers are. So this morning I just focused on breathing after asking for help and you know what? Things didn’t feel so bad and overwhelming anymore. I will be meditating later to clear out the crap-ola I’m holding on to that’s getting in my way and strengthen my connection with Spirit. And I’ll keep reminding myself that this is all a process so I don’t beat myself up about it. I’m ready to get off this merry-go-round! Is anyone else feeling this with their intentions/resolutions or is it just me?


  1. You hit the nail on the head! For instance, what happened to the couple of pounds I was going to lose by the end of the month?……..added onto the ones I acquired after eating the roasterfull of caramel corn I made. By the way, it was
    D E L I C I O U S!!!! But now I feel depressed. So, now I start all over. Set another plan and push myself a little harder with my “crew” supporting me all the way. I just have to remember to ask them and listen to my inner self.