A Time To Heal

Has life seemed a bit intense to you lately? Like your plate has even more on it and there’s not enough time in the day? Are things coming up with you or people you know, like challenges, dramas and issues, on … //Read the Full Story//

I’ve Got The Power! Part 2

Empowerment is a big word, both literally and spiritually! Owning our power means the same thing for all of us. It’s living who we innately are - divine, powerful, creative and unlimited beings. How we own our … //Read the Full Story//

The Soul Eternal

In my last post, I shared how it is possible to heal a relationship with someone after they have passed away. Click here to read that post. Today I’d like to share something that Spirit has offered when someone … //Read the Full Story//

Intuition and Fake News

Intuition is a topic I talk about a lot and how important it is to tune in to and listen to it. This became even more essential as I read about the recent indictment of people who interfered in our US election … //Read the Full Story//

Is It Just Me – week of March 6, 2016

Is it just me or has it been quite a week for anyone else? This week has been all about health issues. Not mine, but other people’s. I spent the week checking in on people energetically, channeling healing … //Read the Full Story//